The Math Genius Raised On a Secret Chinese Military Base Who Became an International Trade Guru
Lindy Chen is the founder and Managing Director of ChinaDirect Sourcing Services, author of ‘Import From China. How To Make A Million…and Not Get Burnt!’ and co-author of “Women On Top”.
Lindy is a dynamic, ‘bicultural’ business facilitator blending the best from the East and the West, with a natural ability to connect people from diverse backgrounds. She is considered one of Australia’s foremost experts on doing business with China, and was a finalist in the 2007 Queensland Businesswoman of the Year Awards.
As a world leading authority on doing business with China, Lindy has featured in publications from The Courier Mail to BRW magazine, and has been a finalist and winner in many prestigious awards, including:
* Winner – International Woman of the year Awards Stevie awards 2015
* Winner – HKABA-QLD Chapter Business Awards 2014 Excellence in importing
* Finalist – My Business Awards (2014) for Women in Business & Best Business
* Winner – Australian Small Business Champion Awards, Entrepreneur of the Year
* Winner – Lord Mayor Multicultural Award Entrepreneur of the Year (2013)
* Winner – HKABA-QLD Chapter Business Awards 2012 Excellence in importing
* State Finalist – Telstra Business Awards 2012
* Q400 – top 400 Queensland business 2012
* Finalist – Young entrepreneur of the year Brisbane 2011, 2010
* Finalist – My Business Awards 2011, entrepreneur of the year 2011
* State Finalist – Telstra Business Women Awards 2010
* State Finalist – Telstra Business Awards 2009
* Winner – Australian Small Business Champion Awards, Entrepreneur of the Year 2009
* National Finalist – Ethnic Business Awards 2009
* Women In Business Queensland Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2010 ’09, 08 and ‘07
* Australian Institute of Management’s Management Excellence Awards 2008
* Winner – Australian home-based business awards 2007
* My Business Awards, Fastest Growing Small Business 2007
Lindy has more then fifteen years’ experience in International Trade, and is a member of the Australia China Business Council.
She is also the founder of the Australian Charities Buying Group, which makes it possible for charities to source and import commonly needed products from China cooperatively, thus saving on costs and time.
Her business goal is to grow ChinaDirect into the world’s leading sourcing firm.
She is also a mentor for the QLD government. So far she has mentored more than 600 different business’s and has been instrumental in helping them achieve their objectives.
Lindy has helped many of her clients entering into the China market.
Her government profile is: LindyChen
Lindy Chen Wikipedia profile on Lindy Chen:
Her accountant’s testimonial:
Her Chinese profile:
Her website:
Lindy formed ChinaDirect Souring in 2005 to assist Australian Companies source and import products from China. The company now includes assisting Australian companies who wish to export products to China.
ChinaDirect won the overall award in the 2007 Australian Home-Based Business Awards, as well as the Business Services category.
They were also honored by being named a finalist in the 2007 Australian Small Business Champion Awards, and a finalist in the 2007 ActionCOACH My Business Awards.
In less than six years since staring her business in 2005, Lindy has saved her clients over $5 million in procurement costs.
In 2008, ChinaDirect were again honoured by winning the Business Services category of the Australian Small Business Champion Awards for Qld, and in 2007, won the Australian Home- Based Business Awards.
Additionally, ChinaDirect Sourcing made the BRW Fast Starter List in April 2010 as one of the 100 fastest growing businesses in Australia. ChinaDirect has also made Q400 in Dec 2011.
Lindy formed ChinaDirect Investment in 2015 together with her business partner Robert Li to assist Australian Companies distribute products to China, expand into the Chinese market, with product and service knowledge to help them gain a market and attract Chinese investment for Australian business.
ChinaDirect investment scope of work, to assist Australian Business: • Product/Service export to china
* Product distribution to china
* Attracting Chinese Investors
* Finding a Chinese JV partner • China market entry analysis
* Business strategic acquisition
Born in China, she migrated to Australia in 2002.
Education was Lindy’s access out of a poor background, so her personal goal is to provide education scholarships to 1,000 underprivileged children in China by 2017.
Her business philosophy is that the size of ChinaDirect’s cause will determine the size of its effect.
This led her to start Australia’s first national charities buying group, and plans to offer carbon neutral importing.
Lindy has strong leadership qualities that are demonstrated by her ability to motivate and inspire employees to fulfil their potential. Lindy’s contribution to the organisation’s success has been in developing a unique business model, and then systemising the business.
The company has experienced exponential growth, guided by a mission of “making clients prosperous and globally competitive”, with clients including MiniMovers and Merlo Coffee.
Her willingness to take risks and do things differently has had her overcome many obstacles to achieve success. This includes starting the business on a budget of only $2,000, and launching ChinaDirect Sourcing Services on a PC in an Internet café.
ChinaDirect operate differently to the average broker. For example, they are transparent in providing full details of Chinese suppliers they source for Australian clients, and refuse commissions from Chinese suppliers.
Lindy has an impressive track record in China and Australia.
Before settling in Australia, she held senior management roles in Chinese and Australian companies.
However, it wasn’t all up and up. Upon arriving in Australia in 2002, Lindy couldn’t find a job, so took on various volunteer roles.
This included raising awareness of China by organising community events for her local council, promoting the use of public transport, and running events showcasing the talents of multicultural youth.
Then Lindy got a big break… Selling movie tickets door to door! After three weeks she’d made the grand sum of $100, and wore out two pairs of runners. But she learnt how to read a map and gained the confidence to talk English with people.
Lindy then spent seven months studying English, at the end of which she taught Business Administration at The Australian Business College in Adelaide. She then took up a position lecturing in International Trade at TAFE in South Australia.
During this time, friends were asking her to source products for them from China. She had an extraordinary talent for this, and with high demand for this service, turned it into a business.
With her strategic project management skills and strong business acumen, she continues to assist many Australian companies grow through product innovation and bottom line savings.
ChinaDirect gains most new clients after they see Lindy talk at China business seminars, or through word of mouth. Lindy is passionate about building bridges between China and Australia, and has given her time freely to speak for organisations such as the Australian Institute of Management, Queensland Police and James Cook University.
She has a strong desire to raise Australian’s awareness of China, and vice versa, so the two countries can grow harmoniously together. Recently her book, ‘Import From China…How To Make a Million and Not Get Burnt’, was published including a DVD version, both of which has made record sales and Lindy is already on her 5th Edition.
* Prior to the Communist Revolution in 1949, Lindy’s forebears were reasonably wealthy, until they had all assets forcibly removed by the Government.
* Born and raised on a military base known only as ‘143’ in remote China, her father was imprisoned for three weeks when her sister stepped on a Chairman Mao chalk drawing on the footpath.
* After the Tiananmen Square incident, Lindy underwent ‘thought examination’ for two hours each week at University, made to spill any ‘not so good’ thoughts against the Communist Party.
* The Chinese know more about Australia than we think. Lindy learned ‘Click Go The Shears’ in Grade 3!
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